• LWC Custom File Upload Component Along With New Record Creation

    Published By: Venu Gutta
    Published on: Sunday, 28 June 2020
    A- A+
    How To Create New Record along with File Upload in Lightning Web Component(LWC)  : 
    In this post we are going to see how to upload files/attachments into Salesforce object by using Lightning Web Component. If we use "lightning-file-upload" tag we cant insert file along with record (yet to be inserted into database). Because lightning-file-upload requires record id for enabling upload option, but at that time record id not available as record not inserted yet. So we are using lightning-input type="file" tag for uploading file. But if we use this we need to write our own logic to insert file using apex unlike "lightning-file-upload". By using this we can upload JPEG, PNG images, Pdf etc. Check below example code.

    Example: Create New Contact Record form along with File upload option:

    Step 1: Create a apex controller for handling contact record and file insertion.


     public with sharing class ContactController {  
       public static string saveContact(Contact contactRec, string file, string fileName) {  
         string contactId;  
           Insert contactRec;  
           contactId = contactRec.Id;  
           String base64File = EncodingUtil.urlDecode(file, 'UTF-8');     
           ContentVersion contentVersionRec = new ContentVersion();  
           contentVersionRec.Title = fileName;  
           contentVersionRec.PathOnClient = '/' + fileName;  
           contentVersionRec.FirstPublishLocationId = contactRec.Id;  
           contentVersionRec.VersionData = EncodingUtil.base64Decode(base64File);  
           contentVersionRec.IsMajorVersion = true;  
           Insert contentVersionRec;  
         } catch(Exception ex){  
         return contactId;  

    Step 2: Create Lightning Web Component 

     import { LightningElement, track } from 'lwc';  
     import saveRecord from '@salesforce/apex/ContactController.saveContact';  
     import { NavigationMixin } from 'lightning/navigation';  
     import { ShowToastEvent } from 'lightning/platformShowToastEvent';  
     const MAX_FILE_SIZE = 100000000; //10mb  
     export default class NewRecordWithFileUpload extends NavigationMixin(LightningElement) {  
       @track name;  
       @track phone;  
       @track email;  
       @track description;  
       uploadedFiles = []; file; fileContents; fileReader; content; fileName  
       onNameChange(event) {  
         this.name = event.detail.value;  
       onPhoneChange(event) {  
         this.phone = event.detail.value;  
       onEmailChange(event) {  
         this.email = event.detail.value;  
       onDescriptionChange(event) {  
         this.description = event.detail.value;  
       onFileUpload(event) {  
         if (event.target.files.length > 0) {  
           this.uploadedFiles = event.target.files;  
           this.fileName = event.target.files[0].name;  
           this.file = this.uploadedFiles[0];  
           if (this.file.size > this.MAX_FILE_SIZE) {  
             alert("File Size Can not exceed" + MAX_FILE_SIZE);  
       saveContact() {  
         this.fileReader = new FileReader();  
         this.fileReader.onloadend = (() => {  
           this.fileContents = this.fileReader.result;  
           let base64 = 'base64,';  
           this.content = this.fileContents.indexOf(base64) + base64.length;  
           this.fileContents = this.fileContents.substring(this.content);  
       saveRecord() {  
         var con = {  
           'sobjectType': 'Contact',  
           'LastName': this.name,  
           'Email': this.email,  
           'Phone': this.phone,  
           'Description': this.description  
           contactRec: con,  
           file: encodeURIComponent(this.fileContents),  
           fileName: this.fileName  
           .then(conId => {  
             if (conId) {  
                 new ShowToastEvent({  
                   title: 'Success',  
                   variant: 'success',  
                   message: 'Contact Successfully created',  
                 type: 'standard__recordPage',  
                 attributes: {  
                   recordId: conId,  
                   objectApiName: 'Contact',  
                   actionName: 'view'  
           }).catch(error => {  
             console.log('error ', error);  

       <div class="slds-box slds-theme_default">  
         <div class="slds-m-around_medium">  
           <lightning-input type="text" label="Name" onchange={onNameChange}></lightning-input>  
           <lightning-input type="tel" label="Phone" onchange={onPhoneChange}></lightning-input>  
           <lightning-input type="email" label="Email" onchange={onEmailChange}></lightning-input>  
           <lightning-textarea name="input3" label="Description" onchange={onDescriptionChange}  
             placeholder="type here..."></lightning-textarea>  
           <lightning-input type="file" onchange={onFileUpload} required name="uploadFile" label="Upload File">  
         <div class="slds-align_absolute-center">    
           <lightning-button label="Save" onclick={saveContact}>  

    Step 3 : Add this File Upload Lightning Web Component to Lightning App Page

    Add this newRecordWithFileUpload LWC component to any lightning page.


    Ps: on above example we did not add validations, make sure that add your own validations.
  • 7 comments to ''LWC Custom File Upload Component Along With New Record Creation"

    1. how to achieve this through aura component?

    2. Hi Venu, just wanted to say thank you for this article. Very useful and concise workaround

    3. thanks for the article

    4. @Venu Gutta Hey, will this work the same if a guest user use this on a force.com site ??

    5. Tons of Thanks for uploading such a useful, precise and easy to understand code.
      Please don't mind but I have a doubt that whether we can use 'this' keyword with constants or not.
      Kindly clarify this doubt.

    6. this is support 4MB file only. is there any way to upload more then 4MB file using LWC.
